It's Catchy! O.k...but what else? Well the concept behind the bahai shirt lends itself to a two fold meaning. Right! Now we are getting somewhere. Now picture this..
Imagine walking down the street and you meet Mr Right or Misses Right because of a T shirt like this! And then he or she is so in love with you that they join the faith too. Reality? Not really. This t shirt will sure bring in some curious spectators but joining the faith I'm not so sure or for that matter meeting Mr or Misses Right, that is, I'm assuming you don't have someone already.
The question we need to ask ourselves is this: Is the purpose of every Baha'i to bring in new visitors to the faith or to educate the human nation by planting even a tiny seed in someone's heart? Do we need statistics for our faith or do we need change and establishment of the new world order? - World peace. Does it matter how we go about spreading the word of Baha'u'llah? I think it does.
However, this "looking for a Baha'i" t shirt in my opinion is not so bad. If it could help spread the message of the faith and its purpose then by all means I highly recommend it! We all know that sexuality sells so why not make use of it in a non threatening manner? Anyone who got a problem with the supposedly two fold message this shirt is sending has sure got a huge problem. They have missed the essential reason as to why this shirt has been created and 'certainly' have chosen to keep their thoughts far from pure.

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