But it's forbidden you might reply! Yes quite true. Bahai's are forbidden to drink or consume anything alcoholic unless for medical purposes. And besides there is no rule that says you cannot inhale it. But seriously who does that right? Never heard of it either. So we are squared I guess.
Here is how Bahai's can use alcohol. In this case Vodka~
- Got a cut with a bandage that needs removing? Soak it with Vodka. This will help in dissolving the adhesive in the bandage.
- Are you half blind? Do you wearing glasses I mean? Aha. Make Vodka the perfect cleaning detergent for your eye wear. Just wipe them with a soft clean cloth that has been lightly saturated with Vodka!
- Who vomit there? Eeeky right. Let Vodka do all the dirty work for you. Spray it on the stains, scrub with a brush and for the finishing touch-wipe dry.
- If you cannot put Vodka in your body, you can put it outside right? Grab your bottle of shampoo and mix in some Vodka. Sure to do wonders for your hair and scalp as it cleans the scalp and strips toxins away from the hair. But not only that it wont kill your brain cells and you are sure to get a fresh surge in healthy stimulated hair growth.
- Ok this one is a little tricky here. Not recommended for kids. Use it as a mouthwash.Mix 9 tablespoons of cinnamon with 1 cup of vodka. Seal in an airtight container for 2 weeks. Strain through a coffee filter. Mix with warm water and rinse your mouth but of course remembering NOT to SWALLOW.
- Fire your doctor! No just when you got an earache. Putting a few drops of Vodka in your ear when you've got an earache will kill the bacteria present there. Drain after a few minutes. Will ease the pain caused by the bacteria.
- Make a reusable ice packs for aches, pains, and black eyes. Mix half cup of Vodka with half cup of water, pour into freezer bag and freeze. Use when situation necessary.
- Cut a cold sore? Apply Vodka to it and it will dry it out!
- Yikes! Not sure about this one but it said that Vodka will alleviate a Jellyfish sting and disinfect it too. Maybe not the most poisonous of Jellyfishes.
- Feeling feverish? Then you must have a fever! Rely on good old Vodka to lower your body temperature by damping a washcloth and applying to your chest and back and neck.
- Let Vodka have a bathroom fight with unwelcome guests: mold and mildew! Empty Vodka into a spray bottle and spray all over bath floor and walls. Abandon Vodka for 5 minutes and then come back to wash clean any trace of Vodka and Voila! Clean bath walls and floor.
- Looking for an astringent for your face? Vodka will do that and more. Apply on your face for cleaner and tighter looking pores.
- keep your razor blades from rusting. Soak them in Vodka after shaving to prolong their life and help disinfects them.
- Turn Vodka into a pain killer for your toothache. Dab some on a cotton and swab your tooth and gums with it.
- What do you get when you combine Vodka with pain lavender flowers? Pain reliever! Grab a clean empty jar and stuff it with freshly picked Lavender flowers, pour some Vodka in, tightly seal the lid and leave to set in the sun for three days. Strain the liquid and apply to anywhere that aches and pains.
- Still got Vodka left in the spray bottle after cleaning the bathroom? Here's a little tip. Use it to get rid of bees and wasps. Sure to kill them or get them mad drunk! Let's hope it dead or sleepy drunk LOL
- Ran out of local anesthetic? Try vodka! Great anesthetic for blisters and wounds
- Ew! Does your feet stink? You're in luck! You can use Vodka to wash away your feet stinky odor.
- Get rid of dandruff by mixing one cup of Vodka to 2 tablespoons of crushed rosemary. Let it rest for two days, strain through a coffee filter and generously rub into your scalp. Leave to dry. Stay at home too unless you want others to label you an addict.

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